There is an enduring Presbyterian educational institution in Pakistan that’s making a huge difference: Forman Christian College. We want to introduce you to Forman and the incredible educational legacy that this institution is offering in Lahore, Pakistan, through two new videos filmed in 2019.

Usually, families of different faiths don’t have that opportunity to get to know each other and build friendships that can increase cultural understanding. Forman is a place where that can happen. Not only are students gaining a top tier education, they’re learning more about each other. And many female students told us Forman is a place where they feel equal to men, in a way they do not in the rest of Pakistan.

In the 18 months since we filmed, Pakistan, and the rest of the world, has been shut down by the COVID-19 virus. Faculty have supported students with both online courses and a hybrid model where some are still on campus, rising to meet many challenges to assist students.

Your support for Forman is needed now more than ever to continue the university’s academic success and its even more critical mission to bring together students of different faiths to increase cultural understand and decrease violence against Christians.

During the last 20 years, Forman has been steadily growing, both in the number of students and in several building projects that are underway to help house classes and students. Your support means this growth can continue – and the entire world can benefit from these bright, young minds.

Make a gift to Friends of Forman, a crucially important organization based here in the U.S. that supports Forman Christian College.

Empowering Women of Pakistan

Hope for Acceptance Pray for Love